
Conversion from bytes array to “C” source file made with help of template file. This file is simple text file with key tags, surrounded with $(tag) or @tag@ .

You can select own files in Options -> Conversion -> Templates, or use defaults templates :/templates/image_convert and :/templates/font_convert .

Tag name Short description
doc_data_type image or font
doc_filename xml source data file
doc_name name of document, entered on creation
doc_name_ws documentName without spaces
fnt_antialiasing font antialiasing
fnt_ascent font ascent
fnt_descent font descent
fnt_encoding encoding, used to convert character to hexadecimal representation
fnt_family font family
fnt_size font size
fnt_string string of characters, what contained in file
fnt_style font style
fnt_use_bom append (yes) on not append (no) Byte Order Mark to character’s code
fnt_width_type font width type (proportional or monospaced)
fnt_compacted enabled (yes) or disabled (no) font’s compacting
img_byte_order bytes order
img_data_block_size data blocks size in bits
img_rle RLE compression used (yes) or not used (no)
img_split_to_rows split string representation by rows
out_blocks_count number of blocks in data array
out_bpp bits per pixel
out_char_code code of character in hexadecimal representation
out_char_code_sim code of character’s duplicate in hexadecimal representation (or empty string)
out_char_code_min min code of character in hexadecimal representation
out_char_code_max max code of character in hexadecimal representation
out_char_text character in text form
out_char_text_sim duplicate character in text form (or empty string)
out_char_index index of character in font’s array
out_char_offset offset of character’s data block in font’s plain data array
out_char_image_left left offset of character’s image inside character’s rectangle
out_char_image_top top offset of character’s image inside character’s rectangle
out_char_image_width width of character’s image
out_char_image_height height of character’s image
out_comma places ‘,’, but nothing (‘’) at the end of list
out_data_indent image data indent (tab or spaces from template file)
out_image_data image’s data array as text
out_image_preview text preview of image
out_image_height image/character height
out_image_width image/character width
out_images_count number of images (characters) in data file
out_images_max_height images max height
out_images_max_width images max width
out_preset_name conversion preset name
pre_conv_type conversion type (monochrome, grayscale, color)
pre_inverse invert image before processing
pre_mono_edge edge value for monochrome-edge
pre_mono_type monochrome conversion type (edge, digguse dither, ordered dither, threshold dither)
pre_scan_main main scanning direction
pre_scan_sub line scanning direction
pre_use_bands used bands (yes or no)
pre_band_width width of band
tmpl_filename template file name

Tag name Short description
dataType image or font
fileName xml source data file
documentName name of document, entered on creation
documentName_ws documentName without spaces
fontAntialiasing font antialiasing
encoding encoding, used to convert character to hexadecimal representation
fontFamily font family
fontSize font size
string string of characters, what contained in file
fontStyle font style
bom append (yes) on not append (no) Byte Order Mark to character’s code
fontWidthType font width type (proportional or monospaced)
bytesOrder bytes order
dataBlockSize data blocks size in bits
rle RLE compression used (yes) or not used (no)
splitToRows split string representation by rows
blocksCount number of blocks in data array
bpp bits per pixel
charCode code of character in hexadecimal representation
charText character in text form
comma places ‘,’, but nothing (‘’) at the end of list
imageDataIndent image data indent (tab or spaces from template file)
imageData image’s data array as text
height image height
width image width
imagesCount number of images (characters) in data file
preset conversion preset name
convType conversion type (monochrome, grayscale, color)
inverse invert image before processing
edge edge value for monochrome-edge
monoType monochrome conversion type (edge, digguse dither, ordered dither, threshold dither)
scanMain main scanning direction
scanSub line scanning direction
bands used bands (yes or no)
bandWidth width of band
templateFile template file name

Template block between $(start_block_images_table) and $(end_block_images_table) repeats for each image in data file.

List of used codecs:

  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16
  • UTF-16BE
  • UTF-16LE
  • UTF-32
  • UTF-32BE
  • UTF-32LE
  • Windows-1250 … 1258

Image template

* $(doc_data_type)
* filename: $(doc_filename)
* name: $(doc_name)
* preset name: $(out_preset_name)
* data block size: $(img_data_block_size) bit(s), uint$(img_data_block_size)_t
* RLE compression enabled: $(img_rle)
* conversion type: $(pre_conv_type), $(pre_mono_type) $(pre_mono_edge)
* bits per pixel: $(out_bpp)
* preprocess:
*  main scan direction: $(pre_scan_main)
*  line scan direction: $(pre_scan_sub)
*  inverse: $(pre_inverse)

 typedef struct {
     const uint$(img_data_block_size)_t *data;
     uint16_t width;
     uint16_t height;
     uint8_t dataSize;
     } tImage;
#include <stdint.h>

static const uint$(img_data_block_size)_t image_data_$(doc_name_ws)[$(out_blocks_count)] = {
const tImage $(doc_name_ws) = { image_data_$(doc_name_ws), $(out_image_width), $(out_image_height),
    $(img_data_block_size) };

Font template

* $(doc_data_type)
* filename: $(doc_filename)
* name: $(doc_name)
* family: $(fnt_family)
* size: $(fnt_size)
* style: $(fnt_style)
* included characters: $(fnt_string)
* antialiasing: $(fnt_antialiasing)
* type: $(fnt_width_type)
* encoding: $(fnt_encoding)
* unicode bom: $(fnt_use_bom)
* preset name: $(out_preset_name)
* data block size: $(img_data_block_size) bit(s), uint$(img_data_block_size)_t
* RLE compression enabled: $(img_rle)
* conversion type: $(pre_conv_type), $(pre_mono_type) $(pre_mono_edge)
* bits per pixel: $(out_bpp)
* preprocess:
*  main scan direction: $(pre_scan_main)
*  line scan direction: $(pre_scan_sub)
*  inverse: $(pre_inverse)

 typedef struct {
     long int code;
     const tImage *image;
     } tChar;
 typedef struct {
     int length;
     const tChar *chars;
     } tFont;

#include <stdint.h>

static const uint$(img_data_block_size)_t image_data_$(doc_name_ws)_0x$(out_char_code)[$(out_blocks_count)] = {
static const tImage $(doc_name_ws)_0x$(out_char_code) = { image_data_$(doc_name_ws)_0x$(out_char_code),
    $(out_image_width), $(out_image_height), $(img_data_block_size)};

static const tChar $(doc_name_ws)_array[] = {
  // character: '$(out_char_text)'
  {0x$(out_char_code), &$(doc_name_ws)_0x$(out_char_code)}$(out_comma)

const tFont $(doc_name_ws) = { $(out_images_count), $(doc_name_ws)_array };